If you are already running a version of kubectl pointed at another environment, for example minikube, you will want to follow the activation instructions to change contexts to docker-for-desktop.
The Docker for Mac version should be 17.12.0-ce-mac45 or later after updating. Kubernetes support is still considered experimental with this release, so to enable the download and use of Kubernetes components you must be on the Edge channel. If you need to install a new copy of Docker for Mac you can download it from the Docker Store. Kubernetes features are only accessible on macOS for now Docker for Windows and Docker Enterprise Edition betas will follow at a later date. With this release you can now run a single node Kubernetes cluster right on your Mac and use both kubectl commands and docker commands to control your containers. You heard about it at DockerCon Europe and now it is here: we are proud to announce that Docker for Mac with beta Kubernetes support is now publicly available as part of the Edge release channel.